Club Members share an interest in the history and preservation of the Model A Ford!

Club dues are nominal, and provide for technical seminars, area driving tours and a wealth of information concerning driving, restoring and maintaining Model A Fords!

Ownership of a Model A is not a prerequisite to membership!

Upcoming Club Activities

Saturday, March 1
8:00am - OCMAFC BS Breakfast

Location: Denny's, 2314 17th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701.

Saturday, March 8
9:00am - OCMAFC Technical Seminar

Subject this month is servicing the starter bendix. This month's Tech Seminar will be at Richard & Jeanne Parisht’s home, coffee and donuts at 8:30. Contact Ron Andrews if you have a technical request.

Thursday, March 13
7:30pm - OCMAFC General Meeting

There will be a board meeting prior to the general meeting. Location: First Christian Church - Orange, 1130 E. Walnut Avenue, Orange CA.

Thursday, March 27
9:00am - OCMAFC 4th Thursday Breakfast

Check back for the location of the March breakfast. Contact Aaron Magdaleno for more information.

April 3-5
Overnight Tour to CCRG Jamboree - Visalia, CA

Clink here for the registration package, hotel information, tour information and all the details.

Swap Meets / Car Shows

Donut Derelicts, every Saturday morning, 6-8am, Huntington Beach, Adams Ave. & Magnolia St.

Main Street Garden Grove car show
4-8 pm EVERY Friday night. Longest running car show in Orange County, Click here for more information.

Bakersfield Brass Era/Pre-War Swap Meet
May 2-3, Minter Airfield, 201 Aviation Street, Shafter, CA. $10 entry. For more information contact Steven 323-497-0601.